Caspian Pocketsmith

Posted by in 1911, Gunsmithing | 1 comment

I was sitting in the shop the other day watching it rain when one of our customers showed up to give me a box of ammo from a day of shooting we had shared together. It was a very kind gesture, but the next thing he gave me was over and above anything he ever owed me as a customer. He handed me a what looked like a multi-tool.  Now I have to admit that I have a small problem with gadgets. . . I get hooked really easily.  So you can imagine how...

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Spotlight: Sams Custom Gunworks

Posted by in 1911, AR-15, Gunsmithing | 2 comments

The NRA recently published a great article on our friend David Sams.  Dave works on all types of guns, but is famous for his accurized conversion of the Beretta 92 when no one was doing it. While he draws tons of attention from the world of Bullseye shooting, he is also well known for his custom 1911’s, custom rifles and AR pistols.  Dave is a great builder, but more importantly he is a great man.  Read the article and you will see that...

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1911 Feeding Problems

Posted by in 1911 | 0 comments

We get asked questions from time to time about troublesome 1911’s that have feeding problems.  Our experience is that this is exception to this style of pistol and not the rule, but every now and then a 1911 will start to experience a strange type of hiccups.  When this happens there are two culprits to rule out before you go any further. 1.  Magazine:  Are you using a cheap GI type magazine that came with the gun?  If you are, upgrade to...

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Colt Interest

Posted by in 1911, Just Whatever | 0 comments

I was recently showing a few of my personal 1911’s to a customer when I mentioned that I am indeed afflicted with a Colt disease.  Some call it Colt blindness because you refuse to see the facts.  Others call it an infatuation gone wrong because I can’t get over it.  Whatever its name it affects many shooters from all generations.  The basic symptoms are that your head confirms better 1911’s exist, but your heart won’t...

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22 LR Makes Sense

Posted by in 1911, AR-15, Glock, Tactical | 0 comments

I thought it would be good to remind all of you that there are many good options right now that will allow you to keep shooting while ammo prices are rising.  If you don’t own a good 22 LR pistol, check out Smith and Wesson’s 22A or any of the Ruger pistols.  If you have a Glock, 1911, or Beretta, you can buy a conversion kit from Ciener.  They offer a wide variety of top ends.  Rifles are easy to come buy in many configurations...

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Kimber vs. Springfield

Posted by in 1911 | 21 comments

What is the best 1911?  This is a question that is debated a lot, and if you are considering a 1911, I want to help you make a wise choice.  The best 1911’s I’ve ever seen are from Sams Custom Gunworks, but if you don’t want to spend $1500 + and wait a year you will have to choose between several production guns. Most of you are familiar with Springfield Armory and Kimber pistols, so I will limit my discussion to these two...

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