Shooting Steel

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If you ever get the chance to shoot steel targets, it makes it hard to go back to the boring paper targets that are used at most ranges.  I was lucky enough or unlucky enough to be able to spend about 5 years training at a range that had steel targets, and there is just something about it that makes it more fun.  I guess it is probably the the instantaneous feedback.  You don’t have to go see where your shot hit because it either falls or...

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Kids and Guns

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Do you have a plan in place to teach your children firearms safety?  If you don’t you are waiting for an accident to happen.  As a gun owner you have a responsibility to make sure that everyone in the house learns the importance of gun safety and gun handling. I was reminded of this the other day when my child asked what dad was doing in the shop.  At 3 years old, I can’t teach much, but we have already started the conversation...

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Judge says "Arm Yourself"

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Recently, in a Chattanooga, TN courtroom, Judge Bob Moon told a victim of a home invasion that she was responsible for her own security, and that she should arm herself.  This is certainly a departure from how those in the legal system are normally characterized when it comes to gun rights, but it backs up what we say all the time.  You alone are responsible for your security.   You can read the full article here.

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Guns at Church?

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One of the places that you should think about protection is church.  I know it seems odd to take a weapon into a peaceful assembly, but with recent shootings a different churches, there seems to be a responsibility to consider the safety of parishioners. Churches have several options that should be considered.  The easiest is to pay off duty police officers to work inside the buildings and out in the parking lots when services are in session. ...

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Colt Interest

Posted by in 1911, Just Whatever | 0 comments

I was recently showing a few of my personal 1911’s to a customer when I mentioned that I am indeed afflicted with a Colt disease.  Some call it Colt blindness because you refuse to see the facts.  Others call it an infatuation gone wrong because I can’t get over it.  Whatever its name it affects many shooters from all generations.  The basic symptoms are that your head confirms better 1911’s exist, but your heart won’t...

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Shooting in Inclement Weather

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Inclement weather always makes shooting fun, but it also provides several challenges including keeping your gun rust free.  We have been soaked for a few days in Nashville making testing a little more challenging.  Fortunately we have covered firing positions that keep the wet weather away from our guns, but if you don’t have no fear. Shooting in the rain can actually be pretty enjoyable as long as you dress appropriately.  It definitely...

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