MCC Glock Extended Mag Release

Posted by in Glock, Videos | 7 comments

From time to time we are asked to supply an extended mag release for a Glock.  In this video we are going to show you two options which we think will really help.  One is a custom modification we do in the shop.  The other is from Ghost.  Both of these will cost you $20 installed, so you won’t be out a lot, but they will make a big difference in your reloads. Check out the pictures below the video when it finishes....

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Glock 45 ACP: Part 2

Posted by in Glock | 0 comments

When Glock introduced small guns, they thought the Glock 36 would be a great addition, and for certain segments, it really is the right answer.  We have already profiled the Glock 30 SF in Part 1, but it will be helpful to understand all of the differences in these guns, because this is the only caliber where Glock offers two different versions of a compact frame. The Glock 36 has slim profile which makes for easy CCW.  It holds 6 rounds plus...

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Glock 45 ACP Part 1

Posted by in Glock | 0 comments

No doubt you are familiar with our affection for the Glock pistol by now.  If you have any questions you need to know that we think they are great.  In the midst of their greatness, there is one issue that has been problematic for some shooters; namely that the large caliber (45ACP and 10mm) Glocks didn’t fit smaller hands. That has now been remedied with the SF line of Glocks.  The new Glock 30 SF may be one of the best new additions to...

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XS Sights

Posted by in Glock, Tactical | 0 comments

Many of you are by now familiar with the XS sighting system.  These sights are unique because they are not a typical notch and post system.  The XS sights are like dotting the “i” in school.  All you have to do is place the front sight dot on the line in the rear sight.  The rear sight features a shallow “V” that helps get everything aligned. They come in two basic variations; a standard front dot and a Big Dot.  We have...

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Which trigger job is right for you?

Posted by in Glock, Gunsmithing | 2 comments

I was talking to a very informed shooter from GA today who was considering some work for his Glock, and it was great because he totally got it.  Too many people don’t really get what that their perceived needs are really desires and not wants.  The temptation in trigger jobs is to go too low.  Most of the people that contact us for work want a trigger that is unrealistic, and we end up agreeing that it doesn’t fit their needs. If...

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CCF Raceframes

Posted by in Glock, Gunsmithing | 0 comments

The number of accessories available today for your Glock pistol is simply unbelievable.  If you can imagine it for your Glock it probably exists.  One of the things that has become more popular than ever is the idea of replacement frames.  CCF Raceframes from Richmond, VA makes an aluminum frame and a stainless steel that add a new dimension to shooting the Glock. The aluminum frame is IDPA compliant for the Enhanced Service Pistol category. ...

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