Glock Pistol Stabilizer

Posted by in Glock, Videos | 0 comments

The Glock Pistol Stabilizer looks like a a great toy for those of you in the LE community.  It offers a quick deployment of a carbine from the pistol.  Add a Glock 18 to the mix, and you really have something cool. [youtube=]

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Glock Tool Kit

Posted by in Glock | 0 comments

If you are looking to do some work on your Glock, there are three essential tools that you must have and practice with before beginning to customize your pistol. Now you probably have 2 out of 3, and if you don’t you can get them at any hardware store. Hammer:  NOT FOR PINS!!.  You actually only need the hammer to bang out the rear sight with a punch when you are getting rid of the cheap factory plastic sights. 3/32″ pin punch:  All...

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Glock Trigger

Posted by in Glock | 2 comments

The Glock trigger is one of the most talked about parts of a firearm today.  If you go to any forum you can find threads to keep you up all night discussing why or why not you should go with a Glock.  Many times it has to do with the Glock trigger.  There is no doubt that the Glock trigger doesn’t come close to being as nice as a 1911 (if you want to know why read this). However, it doesn’t have to feel as squishy as it comes from...

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Glock 18 Accident

Posted by in Glock, Videos | 0 comments

Too many people are out their without a clue of what they are doing.  You can help by giving new shooters tips on safety.  If everyone would take someone under their wing it would make a big difference.  In this video the guy shooting is unfamiliar with a fully automatic Glock 18.  The accident that follows is crazy. [youtube=]

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MCC Extended Control Kit

Posted by in Glock | 0 comments

One of the most popular kits that we have is the MCC Extended Control Kit.  You get a MCC Extended Glock Mag Release that gives you an extended release that has been rounded over in our shop to get rid of all the sharp edges.  The MCC release is also slightly shorter than the factory extended release which makes it good for CCW and duty applications. The Glock Extended Slide Release or Slide Stop Lever is for all 3 pin guns.  It is longer for a...

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Glock 36 Review

Posted by in Glock | 3 comments

This weekend I found a good review of the Glock 36 written by One Old Vet.  As many of you know, the Glock 36 is one of the most over looked models that Glock has ever introduced.  The idea behind its introduction was that it offered a smaller version of the 45 ACP which would help shooters who have smaller hands.  I being one of them have always been fascinated by the Glock 36.  Several months ago I reviewed it after working one over for a...

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