Shooting With Your iPod

Posted by in Tactical | 0 comments

Recently my iPod screen decided to quit working, and rather than pay too much to get it fixed, I decided to upgrade since my old one was about 2 years old.  After a lot of deliberation I finally settled on the iPod Touch. The iPod touch is really designed to fill the niche for those of us who are not ready for the iPhone.  Because I don’t use AT&T for my cell service, it is not pratical for me to switch to the iPhone.  The iPod Touch...

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Guns at Church?

Posted by in Just Whatever | 9 comments

One of the places that you should think about protection is church.  I know it seems odd to take a weapon into a peaceful assembly, but with recent shootings a different churches, there seems to be a responsibility to consider the safety of parishioners. Churches have several options that should be considered.  The easiest is to pay off duty police officers to work inside the buildings and out in the parking lots when services are in session. ...

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Posted by in Gunsmithing | 1 comment

Maintenance for your firearms is crucial if you carry them daily.  We have all gotten a little spoiled with Glocks that can withstand thousands of rounds in torture tests without a malfunction, but the reality is if you have to trust a firearm for your profession or CCW, you had better keep them clean. I was reminded of this because a good friend brought over a Kel-Tec that would not extract a live round.  The slide would only move about...

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Colt Interest

Posted by in 1911, Just Whatever | 0 comments

I was recently showing a few of my personal 1911’s to a customer when I mentioned that I am indeed afflicted with a Colt disease.  Some call it Colt blindness because you refuse to see the facts.  Others call it an infatuation gone wrong because I can’t get over it.  Whatever its name it affects many shooters from all generations.  The basic symptoms are that your head confirms better 1911’s exist, but your heart won’t...

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