Recently my iPod screen decided to quit working, and rather than pay too much to get it fixed, I decided to upgrade since my old one was about 2 years old.  After a lot of deliberation I finally settled on the iPod Touch.

iPod Touch

iPod Touch

The iPod touch is really designed to fill the niche for those of us who are not ready for the iPhone.  Because I don’t use AT&T for my cell service, it is not pratical for me to switch to the iPhone.  The iPod Touch has the same features and capabilities, except for the cell service and Internet, but I can still use the Touch on wireless networks.  I took the Touch out on the road this past week, and I am really impressed.  The wi-fi capability came in very useful, and the screen is so much better than I could have imagined.

In addition to that are the wonderful applications (apps) that can be downloaded.  Some are free, but most are a few dollars.  For my trip I downloaded Pac Man and Scrabble to pass the time.  It just takes the iPod to a whole new level.  Every day there are different apps being developed for the iPhone and iPod Touch.  There are games, others for business, language tools, and just about anything else you could think of ever needing.  If you have not made the jump to an iPod I encourage you to check them out.  They are so much more than a new version of the walkman.  But that’s not all. . .

What I am about to share with you is definitely tacticool, but I just can’t pass it up.  When I returned from the trip, I was Stubling! and found Knight’s Armament purely by accident.  They sell the usual AR type weapons, but they have also developed a new app for your iPod Touch or iPhone called Bullet Flight.

Bullet Flight is an app you can download for fast field calculations.  Essentially it is a way to make your shooting experience rock.  Can you imagine being able to throw away your old charts, and rely on an instant computer calculation to be able to shoot?  This is definitely awesome as the picture below shows.

i-pod-sniperYes, I know you want one, and I do too.  But before you rush out to buy an iPod touch and download this app, recognize that it is in its infancy and users are reporting some quirks.  However, I am sure Knight’s Armament will correct these very shortly.

As we move forward with technology it is going to be amazing to see how we progress in our battlefield tactics.  Just remember that no app or gizmo will replace a well trained soldier.  Even so, this is pretty cool.