Ammo Shortages

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I have been traveling over the last week as we look to expand a few new things that you will be hearing about very soon.  I think you are going to be pleasantly surprised with a few of these projects.  As I have traveled to across Tennessee and Virginia, I have noticed that ammo problems seem to be localized.  In Nashville we have limited amounts of ammo available.  In Knoxville, there is none.  It is so dry in Knoxville that the local paper...

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Practice Like You Plan to Play

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If you carry a gun on a daily basis, outside of a uniformed position, I have a question for you:  Do you carry the gun you shoot the most?  Being a competitive shooter myself I find that I am often lacking in practice time for my real gun. For many years I have shot a Glock 17 in IDPA.  This gun has had untold thousands of rounds put through it, but my S&W J-frame has not had even 1,000 rounds sent out of it.  Obviously this presents a...

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Situational Awareness

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We had an officer shot this week in Nashville who remains in the hospital.  By all accounts he was a good guy trying his best to do a good job.  While on a routine traffic stop, he was shot in the worst place; the side of his vest.  I am sure there will be many reports filed and lessons learned, but I want to remind all of our LEO’s to work extra hard this week on situational awareness. Many of you are familiar with the color code...

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XS Sights for Ruger SP101

Posted by in Gunsmithing | 2 comments

An item not getting a lot of attention is the  XS sights  line of Big Dots for the Ruger SP101.  We would have been unaware of this sight, but a customer brought it to our attention.  In fact, when we called a distributor about it, they said XS didn’t make a sight for the SP101.  However, after talking to XS, we were told that it was the same sight that is made for the S&W J-frame models. When our package arrived from the distributor...

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Finger Off The Trigger

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This video reminds us all why you need to keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire.  Can you imagine the conversation that took place later?  Luckily no one was killed, but it could have had a terrible outcome.  When you are at home, at the range, or on the job, mind your trigger finger. [youtube=]

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