Preicision Rifle

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We have just added our Precision Rifle class to our Training Department.  It is amazing how fast this segment of our business is taking off.  The latest news is that our Precision Instructor has been selected for NRA Law Enforcement Sniper Instructor School.  This is a great honor and we are extremely excited and proud of him. If you are interested in maximizing the potential of your long range shooting abilities, our one day class is for you. ...

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Glock Trigger Overtravel Stop

Posted by in Glock, Gunsmithing | 0 comments

You have probably heard me say that your Glock trigger will never feel like your 1911 trigger.  The two systems are so radically different in form and function that it is impossible to replicate that wonderful 1911 feeling. I recently had a customer come to me for help with the overtravel on his Glock.  He is an avid 1911 shooter who didn’t know if he could make the transition to the Glock.  He was interested in the Ghost Rocket Trigger...

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Advanced Pistol Scheduled

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We have scheduled the Advanced Pistol Class for September 18.  This is a dynamic course that will move you beyond the basics of pistol shooting.  We will be involved in a lot of dynamic shooting from different positions as well as working on the fundamentals of pistol carry. One of the things I want to make clear to everyone is that this is not a class on tactics.  While we will do some shooting from behind barricades, shooting from strong and...

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Clearing a Double Feed

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It isn’t often that you run across a double feed malfunction when shooting your favorite pistol.  When you do, they can be a bear to clear if you don’t follow some simple steps to get your gun up and running. Description:  A double feed is when you have one round in the chamber and another round is released from the magazine in order to feed.  Now you have two rounds trying to get into one chamber. How does it happen?  You put one...

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The Concealed Carry Foundation

Posted by in Tactical, Training | 2 comments

Many of you, no doubt, are interested in protecting your family so you have made the decision to become proficient with your handgun.  If you practice this lifestyle let me tell you what I think is the foundation of any system you employ while out on the street. You might think it is a particular firearm.  We assume you have chosen a quality firearm of your preference.  If you like it, and it works for you then you already have that covered....

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