When you are off duty, how do you load out your CCW rig? Most of the times those of us are behind the shield or have been behind the shield might be considered lazy when it comes to off duty carry. When I first started as a reserve, a Sergeant told me to always carry my badge, credentials and an off duty weapon. Let me be honest; sometimes it just didn’t seem realistic. As an officer, you should be mindful that although you leave the...
The Revolving Door
The door at Mossy Creek has been a revolving door of late. It seems that more and more of you are sending in revolvers for trigger jobs and customizations We finish them and send them out only to have more come into the shop. There are the usual Ruger SP101’s, J-Frames and Ruger Blackhawks, and Taurus revolvers that keep rolling through. As we got to thinking about this, it reminded us of how a business is started with certain...