Grip It!!

Posted by in Just Whatever | 0 comments

It’s a good time to reevaluate some of the fundamentals of shooting, and nothing could be more foundational to handgunners than your grip. Your grip should be high on the gun with the middle of your fingers riding in a direct line to your trigger guard.  The off hand should be knuckle row on knuckle row.  Everyone needs to practice their draw stroke with the proper grip.[See D.R. Middlebrooks Tactical Shooting site for more info] Two...

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MCC Glock Extended Release

Posted by in Glock | 2 comments

The response to our mag release video has been great.  Many of you are getting your extensions ordered as we speak.  Every day we are getting inquires about the extensions. So, thanks for your interest.  We appreciate all of you. We have been getting asked this question by enough of you that I thought it would be prudent to put this out there.  The MCC Glock Extended Mag Release is in stock and ready to ship right now for $20 plus $5 USPS. We...

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Snubby Velocities

Posted by in Just Whatever | 0 comments

Snubbies, like the S&W J-frame used to be talked about as sub standard to other defensive tools.  One of the main reasons had to do with the loss of velocity from their shorter barrels. Here’s the skinny.  Bullets get better velocity from a longer barrel, because the pressure has longer to build up velocity.  Shorter barrel = shorter velocity.  Luckily for all of us time has allowed  us to progress. Speer has developed a short...

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Taran Butler

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Taran is a great shooter.  Even though he many not seem as fluid as some of the other shooters, he is consistently up at the top debunking the myth that you can’t compete at a run and gun type of match if you don’t have a certain body type. [youtube=]

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Shooting the J-Frame DAO

Posted by in Just Whatever | 0 comments

The J-Frame sized revolvers have become more popular as more people are carrying for CCW.  One of the configurations that people like is the Double Action Only.  I carried one of these guns in a backup role while serving as a sworn LEO.  It rode very comfortably on my ankle and required very little maintenance. Those are the great things about these guns.  The bad is that they kick harder than Bruce Lee, they are hard to hold with a solid grip,...

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