Just finished work on this awesome Glock 36. Notice the clean lines of the stippling. This style of stippling is very effective. It provides great grip without being too rough. Much improved over the factory treatment. This one also was treated to a trigger job and night sights. Contact us for your next project and don’t leave your Glock stock!!
S&W Bodyguard Revolver
The S&W Bodyguard 38 is a new venture for Smith in their revolver product line. No doubt it was influenced heavily by the Ruger LCR. I guess what I find most interesting right now is that Smith seems to be a little behind on the development of new things. The Bodyguard and the Governor are both following other manufactures ideas. One might argue that it is better to be late if your product is better in quality, but I have not shot the...
Glock 36 Review
This weekend I found a good review of the Glock 36 written by One Old Vet. As many of you know, the Glock 36 is one of the most over looked models that Glock has ever introduced. The idea behind its introduction was that it offered a smaller version of the 45 ACP which would help shooters who have smaller hands. I being one of them have always been fascinated by the Glock 36. Several months ago I reviewed it after working one over for a...
Glock 45 ACP: Part 2
When Glock introduced small guns, they thought the Glock 36 would be a great addition, and for certain segments, it really is the right answer. We have already profiled the Glock 30 SF in Part 1, but it will be helpful to understand all of the differences in these guns, because this is the only caliber where Glock offers two different versions of a compact frame. The Glock 36 has slim profile which makes for easy CCW. It holds 6 rounds plus...