Glock Trigger Overtravel Stop

Posted by in Glock, Gunsmithing | 0 comments

You have probably heard me say that your Glock trigger will never feel like your 1911 trigger.  The two systems are so radically different in form and function that it is impossible to replicate that wonderful 1911 feeling. I recently had a customer come to me for help with the overtravel on his Glock.  He is an avid 1911 shooter who didn’t know if he could make the transition to the Glock.  He was interested in the Ghost Rocket Trigger...

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Glock Trigger

Posted by in Glock | 2 comments

The Glock trigger is one of the most talked about parts of a firearm today.  If you go to any forum you can find threads to keep you up all night discussing why or why not you should go with a Glock.  Many times it has to do with the Glock trigger.  There is no doubt that the Glock trigger doesn’t come close to being as nice as a 1911 (if you want to know why read this). However, it doesn’t have to feel as squishy as it comes from...

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