5.11 Professional Polo

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We have just received the 5.11 Professional Polo for review.  It will be included in our Tactical Polo review along with items from Blackhawk! and Woolrich Elite.  At first glance the 5.11 shirt looks really nice, and feels great too. We still haven’t heard anything from Eotac yet.  Perhaps they will send something this week.  We were hoping to have all four companies represented, but we will move forward if something doesn’t shake...

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The End Of a Great Year

Posted by in Just Whatever | 0 comments

This year has been a wonderful year for so many reasons.  We have seen more and more of you come to the website and participate with us.  The blog has been growing steadily which has provided much satisfaction.  Many of you are now first time gun owners as of last November.  All in all a good year. As I look back on 2009, I am pleased that we have introduced a few new things to you this year like the Ruger SP101 conversion.  We are sometimes...

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