Glocks are no doubt a fine weapons, and there aren’t that many modifications that really seem necessary. A few weeks ago, we talked about changing the sights and getting a trigger job. Today we are going to discuss the trigger job in more detail. We offer four basic types of trigger jobs, but one of them is never requested, so really it’s three. The one never requested is giving the gun the so called “NY” trigger named...
Should I get night sights?
“Should I get night sights?” This question comes up often. Experts on both sides of the issue have some good points, so let me outline both positions and then offer some advice. Those who see the advantage of night sights will say that they help you place an accurate shot. This is a good point for low light situations, however if it is so dark that you need night sights you must decide if you can safely identify your target. If not,...
Glock Modifications
If you have a Glock, you know that there are tons of accessories for your gun. You can get everything from grips to lasers for them. We often outfit Glocks with many of these modifications, but I want to tell you there are two that you should definitely consider. First are replacement sites. The Glock factory sights are plastic. Many times the front sight can be knocked out with repetitive draws from the holster. Not many things on your Glock...