Blair Holt Firearm Act

Posted by in Just Whatever | 0 comments

Wanted to make you aware of a new piece of legislation that is coming up soon.  It was introduced in the House and is in committee right now.  It is called the Blair Holt Firearm Act, HR 45.  You click the link to read the full text.  It seeks to license guns and make transfers impossible except between licensed individuals.  Go to to write your representative and ask them to vote no on this legislation.

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How to Read Your Misses

Posted by in Glock, Tactical | 0 comments

Becoming a better shooter involves many things practice, better trigger control, and mastering the fundamentals.  All of these things are crucial to becoming a great shooter, but one thing that is often overlooked by novice shooters is reading  your misses.  To understand this, you need to know that reading your misses can be pretty simple. If you consistently shoot low on your target there are two things that could be at work.  One is that...

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Followup to Homeboy Sights

Posted by in Tactical | 0 comments

The sights that we told you about earlier in the week have obviously been used for entertainment value only.  However, it appears that in 2001 some Richmond, VA officials decided that this was a grave matter that needed to be addressed. According to the Gun Zone, the city leadership began to denounce the sights until they realized it was a spoof.  This leads us to several conclusions: Elected officials in VA have too much free time on their...

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Homeboy Sights

Posted by in Tactical | 5 comments

Many of our readers try to keep up with the latest in combat sights for their weapons.  They want to know what is going to give the an edge on the streets or in competition.  AT MCC, we try to give you useful information to make you a better shooter; but not this time.  These sights will only give you style points.  They won’t help you score points at IDPA or IPSC matches.  So, buyer beware. This actaully came to us from a source at the...

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Judge says "Arm Yourself"

Posted by in Just Whatever | 4 comments

Recently, in a Chattanooga, TN courtroom, Judge Bob Moon told a victim of a home invasion that she was responsible for her own security, and that she should arm herself.  This is certainly a departure from how those in the legal system are normally characterized when it comes to gun rights, but it backs up what we say all the time.  You alone are responsible for your security.   You can read the full article here.

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