
Posted by in 1911, AR-15, Glock, Gunsmithing | 0 comments

I was test firing the other day, and it reminded me how important magazines are for your semi-automatic weapons.  By the way, a clip is sometimes referred to as a magazine, but only by the uniformed.  Don’t make the same mistake that I did and call it a clip to a professional if you want to be taken seriously.  Anyway, back to the point of test firing. In any semi-auto, the magazine will often be the weak link to most of the malfunctions...

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Secure Wedding

Posted by in Just Whatever | 0 comments

I thought that my cousin had a very secure wedding because he was carrying, but this link proves that there are weddings no terrorist would want to interrupt. I bet no one objected when the pastor asked for reasons they shouldn’t be married! Check it out here.

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Scope Rings

Posted by in Gunsmithing | 0 comments

Getting the right scope rings makes all of the difference in the world.  I was talking to a shooter today who had experienced some problems with fatigue while shooting his .308.  It came down to the height of his scope rings.  An instructor pointed out that they were too high for him.  A switch to lower rings and he was good to go. Your scope should feel comfortable to look through when you mount the gun.  If you have to raise your head up or...

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