So no doubt a few of you will have gone hunting and taken your own bird for the family meal. If you did, you are for real, and the rest of us are in admiration. Hopefully many of you are going to get some time to rest this week and maybe do some of the things that you really enjoy.
One thing that I hope all of you do is to take the time to think about why you are really thankful. Here is the task; come up with a few unique things that God has blessed you with during this holiday season. Don’t go lame and say things that everyone could say immediately without any thought like family or work. What about your family are you thankful for this year? Remember that being thankful is normally not that natural for anyone so you need to work at it this week.
I’ll start us off. I am thankful that my grandmother, who is starting to show major signs of dimensia, is still happy and never discouraged that she can’t remember all the things she once knew. When I saw her this week she was smiling and grateful for our time together. When I look at her life, I see a legacy of children, grandchildren and great grandchildren who have been shaped by her kindness. Just the other day in the midst of her own life change she was moved by the Lord’s prayer to remind us that God is good. I echo that today, and I’m grateful for that blessing.
What about you?