Do you need a laser?

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We have been really busy lately teaching classes and generally sweating to death.  In the last class we had, I was asked the question that keeps coming up in all our classes; “What do you think about lasers?” I personally like lasers for those of you who need help seeing the sights because of being in the bifocal stage of life, but they may not be as beneficial to the rest of the shooting world as you are being led to believe. Check...

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Viridian Green Lasers

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I have been around lasers for many years now as an LEO and gunsmith.  I have used them personally, and feel like they give you a distinct advantage in certain situations.  I was however, new to the green lasers put out by Viridian.  They are simply awesome.  The green laser is incredibly easy to see in day or night conditions. Jim at Mossy Creek Arms has several of these in stock including the C5L which is an incredible laser light combo...

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