Finger Off The Trigger

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This video reminds us all why you need to keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire.  Can you imagine the conversation that took place later?  Luckily no one was killed, but it could have had a terrible outcome.  When you are at home, at the range, or on the job, mind your trigger finger. [youtube=]

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MCC Glock Extended Mag Release

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From time to time we are asked to supply an extended mag release for a Glock.  In this video we are going to show you two options which we think will really help.  One is a custom modification we do in the shop.  The other is from Ghost.  Both of these will cost you $20 installed, so you won’t be out a lot, but they will make a big difference in your reloads. Check out the pictures below the video when it finishes....

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Backup Gun Rack

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This is an interesting concept for those of you looking to have your home defense shotgun at the ready.  The obvious flaw to this is that if you have children in the home, you essentially have given them a very dangerous toy, but the manufacturer also states this at the end of the commercial.  Let us know what you think.  Like or hate it? [youtube=]

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Steel Challenge

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Several of the MCC family are going to shoot a steel challenge match in June.  Many of you may not be familiar with this format, but you should check it out because it is so much fun.  Here is a look at one club’s steel challenge event in the man on man format to give you an idea of what to expect. [youtube= ]

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Pistol Grip Shotguns?

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Lots of people love pistol grip shotguns, but here is a video to consider if you are thinking about getting one.  I will say that she gets style points for twirling like Wyatt Earp.  Pretty fancy gun handling. [youtube=]

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Sobriety Test

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Sobriety tests are often administered in the field  to see if there is reason to believe someone has been drinking and driving.  These officers didn’t have to go much farther. [youtube=]

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