Glock 18 Accident

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Too many people are out their without a clue of what they are doing.  You can help by giving new shooters tips on safety.  If everyone would take someone under their wing it would make a big difference.  In this video the guy shooting is unfamiliar with a fully automatic Glock 18.  The accident that follows is crazy. [youtube=]

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Shooting Targets at Different Distances

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I want to show a video of Rick Simes, from the Tactical Shooting Academy, shooting targets at different distances to show you should engage your competition targets.  One of things we all struggle with is trying to be faster.  Rick does a good job of taking the time on the longer shots, and moving quickly through his closer shots.  When you have distance, take the time to get a good sight picture, and trigger pull to break the shot....

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Revolver Stressfire Reload

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Massad Ayoob is considered to be one of the leading trainers in the world.  He trains law enforcement and civilians, but what makes him different is that he can actually back up everything he says with his shooting.  In fact, he holds the master ranking in all 5 IDPA classes.  Since we have been getting so many revolver questions lately, we thought it might be helpful to see go over the best reloading techniques out there.  Hope this helps....

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Rob Leatham TGO

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They call him The Great One, TGO for short.  Here he is shooting a steel stage earlier this year.  Notice how he misses one on the plate rack and keeps it going to finish it off.  Many of us miss a plate and completely lose our rhythm.  He brings it back in to finish the run nicely.  I’m sure he was not happy with this run, but at the end of the day you have to keep going. If you miss on the plate rack, give a hard sight focus until they...

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Taran Butler

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Taran is a great shooter.  Even though he many not seem as fluid as some of the other shooters, he is consistently up at the top debunking the myth that you can’t compete at a run and gun type of match if you don’t have a certain body type. [youtube=]

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Todd Jarrett Hat Cam

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Here is a video of Todd Jarrett shooting an IPSC stage with a hat cam.  It provides a great vantage of how incredibly fast the top shooters are moving while they run these stages.  After the hat cam the video shows him shooting it with a traditional camera view.  Notice his mag transitions.  Very smooth, and always while moving. [youtube=]

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