It's Called a Hangfire

Posted by in Just Whatever | 0 comments

If you are familiar with the three types of misfires then you know what you should do.  This gentleman was obviously unaware, and it almost cost him his noggin.  Never, ever, ever, look down the business end of a firearm when any ammo is in the vicinity.  This video shows what could happen. [youtube=]

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The Revolving Door

Posted by in Revolvers | 2 comments

  The door at Mossy Creek has been a revolving door of late.  It seems that more and more of you are sending in revolvers for trigger jobs and customizations  We finish them and send them out only to have more come into the shop.  There are the usual Ruger SP101’s, J-Frames and Ruger Blackhawks, and Taurus revolvers that keep rolling through.  As we got to thinking about this, it reminded us of how a business is started with certain...

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Fit Issues with Gen 4

Posted by in Glock | 0 comments

We recently updated our MCC Release info in the store to include the following:  The MCC Extended Glock release will not fit any Gen 4 models or the Gen 3 36.  They are completely different.  This is one area that Glock changed when they went from Gen 3 to 4.  We are sorry if this causes any confusion.  Please keep this in mind if you are thinking about ordering them.

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Best Revolver Questions

Posted by in Revolvers | 0 comments

I am often asked my opinion on the best revolver available today.  Certainly we have in many ways seen the peak of the great revolvers in one sense because we have ushered in the semi-auto age.  However, in recent years many companies have begun to market new and improved revolvers.  Smith & Wesson has even begun selling blued revolvers again!! With polymer choices, .410’s from Smith and Taurus, and the alloy guns made for concealed...

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