A few weeks ago I wrote about Remington‘s entry into the AR-15 market. In that post I asked the question, “Who is going to market a cheaper AR-15?” I still don’t have an answer at this point, but I know that the market is ready for a value priced AR.


Recent entries into the 1911 market may support this. Rock Island Armory has mastered this with a gun that is getting good reviews right now. Along with Rock Island, TAURUS has started making a 1911 with all the bells and whistles. Both of these guns allow shooters to get a fine introduction to 1911 pistols without putting their shooting on hold because of cash flow problems.

Before you start telling me how cheap and inferior these guns are, let me say a few things. Yes they may be inferior to the $800-$1,000 gun that you own or have seen advertised by the gun writers. But, let’s once again ask ourselves, “Who really needs that type of gun?” This question is very similar to the accuracy question that we looked at earlier. Do most shooters really need that type of gun? No. Most shooters are content with a gun that will shoot straight a few times a year.

Hence my argument for the cheaper AR. What many people fail to realize is that the cheaper gun that introduces a shooter to a genre may actually lead to other purchases down the road. My first 1911 was a Sistema Colt. To most people total junk, but I still have that gun today. It actually led me to some of the higher end guns I own, but at the time I couldn’t shell out $1,000, and nobody was offering anything like Rock Island or TAURUS. By offering a cheaper AR, a company will find that they will receive more business in the long run.