I was talking to a very informed shooter from GA today who was considering some work for his Glock, and it was great because he totally got it.  Too many people don’t really get what that their perceived needs are really desires and not wants.  The temptation in trigger jobs is to go too low.  Most of the people that contact us for work want a trigger that is unrealistic, and we end up agreeing that it doesn’t fit their needs.

If you are Dave Sevigny or Rob Leatham,  you can justify an extremely light trigger in your competition rig.  The average shooter/competitor is better of with a heavier trigger, because they will actually hurt performance with a pull that is too light.

It goes without saying that if you are carrying the gun for duty purposes you need to really think about a trigger pull that will fit your mission.  Nothing wrong with getting that trigger tuned, but you definitely don’t need a competition trigger job on your Glock if you carry it every day.

If you are unsure about what to have done, please trust the person who is doing your work, and not an Internet forum made up of people that type more than they shoot.  In the real world a trigger job is an asset, but the shooter is the greatest asset.  Top level shooters are not great because of the trigger jobs their guns have.  They could still beat us with much heavier triggers.  You won’t “game” your way into the winner’s circle with a slick trigger job.  It will help, but at the end of the day it will be because the brain behind the gun got it right.