We are so excited about the opportunity to offer the Handgun Permit class in Nashville next month.  July is looking to be very busy for the Training section.  I wanted to remind some of our female readers about the opportunity they have to train in a women’s only environment and whythat is so beneficial. 

  1. No stupid questions.  There is no such thing as a stupid question, but sometimes we feel like our questions are stupid if the crowd we are in already has a solid base of knowledge.  This might make us hesitant to ask something.  Not so in a women’s only class.  It is a given with our instructors that everyone is starting at the beginning.  You are free to ask anything you need. 
  2. No macho junk.  We are not training the army.  We are training citizens.  We don’t conduct classes like boot camp.  No one is going to yell at you or insult you. 
  3. Camaraderie.  Shooting is a great sport to be involved with.  It is actually something to be enjoyed by you and your friends.  We will introduce you to hobby that might end up saving you or your family’s lives. 

If you don’t have any equipment we have it all.  We will rent you a firearm, provide the ammo, and show you how to use it.  We will also put you in a position to purchase a firearm that is right for you.  If you have any reservations feel free to email us and ask any questions (remember no stupid questions,), and set up a class date for you and several of the girls.  We will answer your questions and get you ready to start shooting.