If you are looking to do some work on your Glock, there are three essential tools that you must have and practice with before beginning to customize your pistol. Now you probably have 2 out of 3, and if you don’t you can get them at any hardware store.

  1. Hammer:  NOT FOR PINS!!.  You actually only need the hammer to bang out the rear sight with a punch when you are getting rid of the cheap factory plastic sights.
  2. 3/32″ pin punch:  All of your Pins can be removed with this punch and hand pressure.  If you are having trouble getting the slide release pin out, try moving the slide release up and down and in and out while pushing the pin.
  3. Flat-tip Screwdriver: This is used to change out your magazine catch to put on your MCC Glock Extended Mag Release.

So for about $10, you can be completely tooled up to get your Glock rolling.