I just returned from Ukraine this week after being there for a conference with some people from my church.  We had a great time with our friends over there.  Much like last time, I took some gear that Woolrich was kind enough to supply for testing.  Be watching for the review soon.

We continue to be busy with SP101 stuff right now as well a the usual swing into the SM-1 shotgun package.  The newest thing we have been working is an SM-2 package that is really cool for the 870 using a pistol grip.  Be looking for a video on that one really soon.

One thing I am always reminded of as we return from a trip like this is just how unique it is to be an American.  Of course I think our way of life is generally superior in thought and practice than most of the places I have visited, but that is because I grew up here and that is all I have ever known. While they have gun rights in the countries I visited on this trip, it is hard to get them.  Kind of reminds you of New York’s restrictive laws.  The thing that I always return with is the gratitude towards freedom.  Freedom of speech.  Freedom of religion.  Freedom to protect ourselves.  The responsibility to vote to keep these freedoms.

Don’t forget that next week is important for all Americans.  Make sure you participate.  Glad to be back.