Summer's End

Posted by in Gunsmithing, Just Whatever | 0 comments

Summer is winding down, and I for one am glad.  I’m sick of a hot shop that sucks the life out of you.  I am also ready for the change of season and the busyness that comes with fall.  Our shop is already coming out of the summer lull (who shoots when its hot?!!).  We are excited about a few of the great projects that kept us rolling this summer.  Two of these were outside the norm, but very interesting restorations.  More to come on that...

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Swiftwick Socks

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      Many of  you may not know the name Swiftwick socks.  They are relatively new to the performance sock market, but they are a fantastic company located in middle Tennessee, and they are manufactured in the the USA in the small town of Cleveland, Tennessee.  Their products are used by athletes in running, bicycling, and notably on the PGA tour.  I was introduced to their socks about 2 years ago while training for my first...

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Ruger Quality Control Problems

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Not sure what is going on with Ruger’s SP 101 quality control right now.  The last two new revolvers we have seen were not as clean as they have been in the past.  One revolver had a hand that was improperly fitted causing the gun to bind up when the trigger was pulled slowly.  The other we had had rust all over the front sight and the sight cut had been made smaller than usual. I also heard from a customer who had purchased a LC9 that he...

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I recently returned from a trip to Kenya where a team of people did some work on a medical clinic to ready it for opening, did veterinary work with herdsman, did recreation in some local schools, taught in a seminary and led a pastor’s wives retreat. I have to tell you that it was one of the most profound experiences I have ever had, and I wanted to say thank you to all of our customers because you helped on this trip. One of the things...

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Online Store

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Our online store is going to get some revisions and will not be open until all are completed.  If you know what you need, please email me and I will try to get it out to you right after the super bowl.

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