If you like the full auto stuff, this one might be for you. I will say that it at least sparks my interest, but I don’t know if it’s worth the tax stamp. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abTGAP7tG0Y]
Shipping prices drop!
Mobile post sent by mossycreekcustom using Utterz. Replies. mp3 UPDATE! I believe my wholesaler gave me bad info, and I went with it without confirming. Sorry for this false glimmer of hope. I went to FEDEX today and got stroked to the tune of $58 for shipping a handgun! Ouch. I will post more when I know more. Until then, somebody start a shipping company that has rules that make sense!!!
Cool Grill
Read MoreAnimation of Colt 1911's Function
Here is the animation of the Colt 1911. Notice again from the beginning the trigger movement. You should be able to see the sear and hammer. This is one major difference between the 1911 and Glock. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1H3IFJXxyEs&hl=en]
Animation of the Glock's Function
In upcoming posts I will be discussing the difference between 1911’s and Glocks. This post and the one on Wednesday will show you animations of both guns, and I will have some pictures and commentary on Friday. Hopefully that will give you a better understanding of both weapons systems. This animaiton will help you understand how the Glock works during its firing cycle. It starts slow with the trigger pull so focus there....