Price gouging seems to be something that we are all familiar with since the end of the world started last year.  Remember when gas was $4.00 a gallon, and companies like Exxon were still reporting record profits?  Well that same problem has now reached the gun world.

At the last Nashville Gun Show, one our customers reported seeing a RugerLCP go for around $500.  This my friends is a great example of the price gouge.  That gun on a good day should bring $300, but the current climate has prices so out of whack it isn’t funny.

In the beginning of the gun shortage, caused by the election of a what many Americans believe is an anti-gun administration, you simply couldn’t find the guns, but now prices have reached ridiculous proportions as some people begin to profit.  MCC certainly could have done the same thing.  We received 10 Glock 19’s that were used on the day of the election and sold them for 10% over our cost.  Why, because we feel like we can take care of your long term needs if we are fair in the short term.

I want to encourage  you to use some self-control as a buyer and a seller.  Don’t pay outrageous prices for a gun you want today.  Remember the housing downturn?  One day that gun won’t be worth a fraction of what you paid for it. Make sure you are buying from fair and reputable people.  If you are selling, offer the gun at a fair price.  It may bring a premium, but nothing should go for double its cost.  What a joke.

This too shall pass in time, and there is going to be a large market for guns that need to be off loaded by their over eager owners.  If you hang on to your cash now, you may be able to buy many of the guns you wanted at very fair used prices if you don’t get hung up on having a new gun.  Remember the gas crunch?  Now it has balanced out again, and we are paying less than before Katrina in many places.  Patience is called a virtue for a reason.  Perhaps good things will come to those who wait.