Does it matter if you are a national champion shooter?
Does it matter if you have a perfect load for you rifle?
Does it matter if you have a 1st generation Colt Single Action?
Does it matter if you took a trophy buck?
Does it matter if you’ve hunted in Africa?
Does it matter if you win the accolades of your peers?
Does it matter if the gun magazines wrtie about your products?
Not really.
Today I went to a funeral of a young lady who passed away from cancer. For 6 of her 24 years she battled this disease admirably. Today she no longer has to fight. What matters at the end of your life? Will it be trophies? Will it be money? The only thing that matters at the end of life is whether or not there is a promise of tomorrow. Faith. Hope. Love. But the greatest of these is love as demonstrated by the Father. When you read this today, make your life count for something and do it with love.
Great point, Jeff. I like my toys as well as anyone. I love college football. I like sitting around “discussing” Sigs vs. Glocks with you. But none of that stuff really matters.
Days like today help remind us of what is really important: faith, family, friends.
Don’t keep posting, though. While MCC doesn’t make the “really important in life” list, I still enjoy it!
Thanks for your comments. We will keep posting, but I guess that it is important to be reminded once in a while that all of this is temporary. It is too easy to become discouraged by things that don’t really matter. A little perspective goes a long way. . .
I guess my original comment should have read “Don’t stop posting”. I’m glad you undermean what I stand…
I have a specialized degree in bubbaese. It comes from my raising.