With the advent of our SM-1 package, you have the option of adding a silver or bronze bead or a tritium night sight. We have put on both types of sights for our customers and see advantages to either. The standard sight for the SM-1 is the bead. For most applications, this will suffice. When the barrel is cut to 18.5″ you have opened it up a lot, and it follows that you will loose some precision. This is why we don’t even offer a rifle sight for the SM-1.
For some of you, the tritium night sight will have definite advantages. It looks cool, you will primarily be using it at night, or you are in L/E where this will be a duty gun that must be able to go anywhere. You can upgrade (about $30) to this with no problem at all. Either choice leaves you with a great gun that will serve you well.