Engraved SP 101

Posted by in Revolvers | 2 comments

Is there anything better than an engraved gun?  I have a certain affection for them because the man responsible for sending me down the gunsmithing path was a Colt Engraver.  His work was unbelievable! This SP 101 is a Talo edition.  We did the trigger work and provided the Big Dot sight to make it shoot as good as it looks.  If you might want some engraving done, please contact us.  We have done several project guns in the past and they are...

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SP101 Bobbed Hammer

Posted by in Revolvers | 2 comments

We recently did an SP101 package where we bobbed the hammer and converted it to Double Action Only.  There are a couple of reasons to do this: Pocket carry is much easier because the draw motion is simplified. No worry about the Single Action Mode.  The Double Action Trigger Job we do makes it really easy.  Besides, you aren’t going to have time to manually cock the gun. We also chamfered the cylinder for easy reloading.  Add the XS Big...

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Ruger SP101 Conversion

Posted by in Gunsmithing, Revolvers, Tactical | 6 comments

We have been waiting for a while to be able to announce the MCC Custom SP 101 package, and we are finally ready to start filling orders.  As with all of our most popular packages this one was customer driven.  We were asked to take a stock SP 101 and turn it into a custom CCW piece that is also a beautiful piece to add to any collection. We started out with an SP 101 DAO in .357 Magnum.  To be sure this has to be one of the best platforms...

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